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What is this game?

From the Absence of Light is an exploration based shoot-em-up with sprawling levels and TONS of bullets! With a heavy focus on exploring and finding new upgrades and characters, it takes a more non-linear approach compared to most action shooters. Think Smash TV meets Zelda. The core gameplay is simple: Shoot the bad things and don't get shot! ...How original. But the twist comes in gaining new upgrades throughout the world and utilizing those upgrades to advance. Just pewpewing your way through won't be enough; you'll have to reflect bullets, change colors, and dodge well to get through it all. My name is Christian Kapper, and I've been developing this game on and off for quite some time now. Being my first real project that I plan to release, it's taken a while for me to feel confident enough to share it publicly. But while it's far from finished, the game is in a nice enough state that I can start sharing real progress, and hopefully by starting this...

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